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The Unknown Disease that Doctors cannot cure for the elderly.

Almost one million older people feel lonelier at Christmas time, a UK charity has found by doing a survey.

Alongside new findings published to launch Age UK's Christmas campaign, the charity has produced a short film to highlight the chronic loneliness which the charity says 1.2 million older people are living with in England.

Nearly half of the 2,585 older people surveyed - equating to almost 5.7 million people aged 65 and over - feel their days can be repetitive, and almost a quarter (around 1.4 million older people) said Christmas is not a special day for them and just passes them by.

The research found that almost one million (928,000) older people feel lonelier at Christmas time, two-fifths of whom have been widowed.

Based on the survey, the charity estimates that 873,000 people aged 65 and over do not see or hear from someone for days on end over the festive period.

And at Christmas time, on days when older people do not see or hear from anyone, over half (55%) rely on the television for companionship. Isn't that so sad?

Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK, said: "Loneliness doesn't only affect older people over the Christmas period, but because most of us expect to spend this time of the year enjoying ourselves with family and friends it can make those who are unwillingly on their own feel all the more left out and miserable.

"For many lonely older people the festive season also brings back memories of happier times in years gone by, reminding them of partners and other close relatives and friends who are no longer around and who they sorely miss.

"Chronic loneliness is not only horrible to experience day in, day out, it can also have a devastating impact on an older person's mental and physical health."

This is why the Founder of Sunshine International Retirement Residence and nursing home in Thailand decided to open this boutique luxury residence in the land of smiles.

Mr. Andrew Stocks, a British Citizen who spent much of his life with older people, he realises that the elderly are vulnerable to the loneliness disease as he often quotes Mother Theres's most famous quote.

This is why Andrew decided to build a retirement home in Thailand.

Andrew went on to say that living an outdoor life in the sun can make you feel ten time younger.

Thailand is very much an outdoor life place to live, getting out and about each day has so many benefits. Meeting people, getting the exercise, not eating in the same place day in and day out. All the benefits can very often cure the disease of loneliness.

Andrew has created a boutique resort for those that want to live their retirement that they dreamed of. Andrew chose Thailand because now a days the world is small, its just a 9 hour flight and your in the sun. Flights are not expensive any longer and the Thai people have this outstanding reputation for outstanding loving kind and caring service.

Thailand has so many benefits such as the cost of living, food is so cheap here, to stay in a luxury Residence is so much cheaper than staying in a very often shabby home in the UK.

Andrew said that it's not fun to spend your retirement alone, often sitting for days on end by the radiator waiting for someone to serve you a bowl of hot stew to keep you warm.

At Sunshine International, they have a VIP shuttle bus that takes you out everyday to so many different restaurants of your choice. Living in Sunshine International, you get to live in your own private suite overlooking the Royal Blue swimming pool. Andrew has created a residence that makes you feel like your on a life long holiday. That's how retirement should be after working hard all your life. You deserve the best!

You can live at Sunshine International at this Beautiful Boutique Residence for just around 29,990 Baht (£699) Per month. or around (44,000) Baht£1200 Pounds per month for a couple. You can find out more about Andrew's Sunshine International by visiting

Sunshine is a fair place to stay with no hidden costs.

Here is a short video of what it's like living in Europe for millions of elderly.

You don't need to live like that, do something about it today! click here now

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