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We have the knowhow, the Experience and the right Management



Due to our Size, We have the ability to do WORLDWIDE


Retirement Boom

Why do we Believe in the Retirement Boom coming to Thailand.

Our Management

It's Rare to have British and Thai Management work together like we have for almost 17 years

We have proven it works

Be Smart and don't miss out on this Boom! 

Living a Life in the sun will help you live Longer! 

Keep Scrolling down

Why choose Sunshine International and not any other developments?

We have the experience in property developing with a list of properties that our founders have done in the past. Unlike many developments in Thailand, All of our past properties have been successful and got completed in a reasonable proudly time frame. This is because we mix our British and German Management with our Thai Management, we sit down maturely and talk about how we can please both Europeans and Thais at the same time. We try our best to please Everyone. This is very rare in Thailand to have strong and stable management like this. 


We firmly believe that specialising in Retirement Care is a future boom for Thailand. People are coming here by the thousands in search for a cheaper and more quality retirement with sunshine all year around. As people move to Thailand in their 60s and 70's, they need to know that there are doctors, nurses and medical staff on call 24 hours. 


We believe your investment in our development will be a good investment. Thailand has so much to offer for retiree's with cheaper and quality nursing care than Europe. Very often in Europe lately, and more and more, families are being forced to sell their homes to pay for expensive costs of a retirement Care.

As you may know already the laws have just changed in many parts of the country and that means if you own a condominium, then you are not allowed to rent it out on a nightly Basis. This is why there is an increasing number of empty condo's on the market and it is difficult to sell them. But Sunshine Wellness Hotels & Residences will specialise in Retirement Residences that will offer great promotions to people to come and live in Thailand all year around.​

We believe in World wide advertising, we do not like to have apartments empty for long periods of time. We don't want to be greedy. We want fair and balanced rents so everyone wins. 

By creating a chain and brand of Retirement Hotels and Residences, it gives us more budget to enable us to advertise globally across the world. When we can afford to advertise globally and bring new retiree's to Thailand, it means unlike many condominiums, our occupancy will be much higher, bringing you a good return on your investment and keep your property value higher, just like our property in Hua Hin is doing now. 

We will also be our owners the ability to swop nights with our other Hotels and Residences providing availability. 

We are giving you the opportunity to invest in this four star development that will consist of the best of care. You will be purchasing in a property that offers something that other properties do not have, like being staffed with Doctors,  Medical staff, ambulance drivers, and nurses.   All these things gives people the confidence and peace of mind. A very valuable asset to our company and for you too. 

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