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UK National's moving overseas at a fast Rate. Brit's living abroad - but is the grass reall

The UK has become the 8th country in the world for the highest expat rate, What motivates UK Residents to move abroad and are these factors superior in other countries?

Last year around 327,000 people left the UK, putting the UK 8th on a list of countries with the highest expat rate in the world.

The most popular countries has been Australia, followed by the US, Canada and New Zealand but places in the far East are rapidly catching up.

But what makes people up root and move abroad? A survey of questions were asked by people who have been there and done it.

75% of the people in the survey said they have a better quality of life. 60 % said the weather was the biggest factor. 39% said they had felt healthier and 27% said it was far cheaper for them.

The cost of living was also calculated in many of the countries and it showed Australia as being 13% lower on the average living costs.

Thailand is an up and coming destination for retirees because the cost of living was shown to be around 46% lower than it is in the UK.

A survey by Sunshine International Retirement Residences asked Expats why do they live in Thailand and 88% said because the cost of living is a lot cheaper, 57% said the people were more friendly and 67% said because of the warmer climates.


Many people originally imagined Thailand as a third world country, but in fact when they got here, it is advanced and modern in many ways with some really modern skyscrapers,world class hospitals and shopping malls.

Even on Thailand's roads, the number of Mercedes Benz and high end cars are high compared to many other countries.

One lady even said, here in Thailand I have the indoor shopping malls, the beaches and an out door life, but in my hometown I have only my four walls and the fireplace for many months of the year.

She said it is just an 11 hour plane trip and my family still come and visit me twice a year and I Skype with them daily for free.

So why are people moving away from the UK? The survey showed the top three points that people are fed up with in the UK was the weather, increasing expenses, and too much red tape.

We have provided a chart for an average cost of living in Thailand compared to some other countries.

Almost 10% of UK nationals are now living overseas, and more and more are moving to warmer and cheaper climates, especially as they retire?

Sunshine International Retirement Residences based in Thailand said that it's website usage has been higher than normal because more and more people are considering to move overseas, especially to Thailand.

Thailand is a place that offers so much to retiree's, cheaper prices, warmer weather, wonderful caring people, and great property prices. For the average person selling up or renting their house out, then moves to Thailand, it gives them ample of funds to have a life here that they could not get in the UK.

One man in the survey said living in Thailand is like one big holiday! The only one downfall is you need to have 18,000 British pounds in your bank account just to show you can afford to live in Thailand, or a pension showing you have an income. But here you can have a millionaires life on an average income, it's great he said.

The average day here in Thailand consists of getting up and having breakfast on your warm balcony, going for a swim, then a walk along the beach or to one of the huge shopping malls for coffee, having a round of golf, afternoon tea, occasional body massage and end the day in a nice restaurant with a glass of wine. This sounds like a life only for the really rich, but in Thailand this life is possible for many.

Sunshine International said that you can purchase an apartment in your own name here for around Just 59,000 British Pounds and it comes with great service like hotel type facititlies, nurses watching over you, cocktail parties, BBQ's living around the swimming pool, massages and more!

We asked one guest at Sunshine International In Hua Hin why they live here at Sunshine International and she said here she is not alone here, she has a nurse to keep an eye on her, the people really care, the cost of living is much cheaper than Europe and when I am older and need nursing care, I don't want to be forced to pay thousands of pounds each month on nursing care. Its a win win situation for me.

She went on to say, here they have a VIP Shuttle bus service, so I don't even have the expensive car bills every month.I go to the city for just about one British pound, I have very few worries.

For more information on packing up and moving to Thailand visit here now

Come and live a Cocktail life, after all, life is so short and your a long time gone!

Sunshine International is also soon doing a roadshow across the UK to make people aware of the advantages of living overseas.

If you would like someone to explain to you the advantages they can visit you or call you during the roadshow. You can e mail them and ask them on

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