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Interview our Founder

This interview will be broadcasted On ABC news next Wednesday at 10:05 am.

Thank you for giving us the time to interview you today.

Andrew: My Pleasure, glad to be here.

How long have you been in Thailand?

Andrew: I have been in Thailand most on and off since I was around 7 years old. Most of my life I guess.

So that means you can speak Thai then.

Andrew: Well not really, I do understand a lot of Thai but I don’t really speak Thai. Most of the people I speak to do speak English and I am not one for foreign languages.

I just heard that your charity that you founded finally was given the name Foundation. Is that correct?

Andrew: Yes it is correct, it took me many years to try to get a Foundation. It’s great news for the charity because in time it will help the children’s home much more and hopefully it will help many underprivileged children in the future.

It’s been said that your a business man so why do you ask people to help your foundation? Why not use your own funds?

Andrew: Well it was my vision to make the children’s home a community project, and that’s exactly what I want it to be. I want it to become and independent Charity long after I have left this world.

I can put my money in many charities and it’s important that the local people get used to helping their community. It’s about teaching others to give too.

I see a list of your business’s that you have been involved in the last ten years. How have you managed to do so much in so little time?

Andrew: Well what ever I do, I work extremely hard at it, and I pay attention to the small detail. I enjoy what I do and my customers can see that. I am also good at selling because I only sell things that are good enough for me. If it’s a good product then I am happy to sell it.

Has it been difficult doing business in Thailand all of those years and do you have some Partners?

Andrew: Normally I like to do business’s without partners because I like to pay attention to the small detail and try to get it perfect. But I do have just one Thai partner who has been my friend and partner for around fifteen years and we have done a few projects together. He is married to a Thai lady and they are a beautiful family.

I heard last year you started a Retirement Residence as part of a brand and you have plans to grow it nationwide. How has this been progressing?

Andrew: Yes we opened our first one in Hua Hin and now are already working on the second and third projects. Our project in Chiang Mai I think will be a unique Development. It is taking a 30 Million Dollar Investment but will be a very special development, certainly one of the best ones I have ever done.

Andrew: We are also doing a unique project in Mukdahan, it’s in the middle of a tropical jungle away from all the hustle and bustle and off any commercial roads. This is for only for a selected few brave people.

Wow 30 Million Dollars is a lot of money, how do you feel about investing that kind of money in Thailand?

Andrew: Well its a lot, luckily I don’t have to borrow the money so I don’t have to pay any high amounts of interest. But I do believe this business is a boom coming to Thailand. Some people said to me, wow, why are you rushing in to it, but the truth is I am not, it’s been in my mind and thoughts for many years now. I know what to do and when to do it so I feel confident now is the right timing.

May I ask where do you live please?

Andrew: I am traveling a lot and I don’t really stay at the same place all the time. So I call home where ever I lay down at the end of the day. He he he.

Will you live in your new Hotel in Chiang Mai?

Andrew: I will keep an apartment there for me because I know there are some very special people who have purchased in Sunshine Chiang Mai. But I plan to stay based on Hua Hin but visit there regularly.

What are you future visions for your business?

Andrew: Well for now I am concentrating on Growing the brand Sunshine International to become Thailand’s only brand in Retirement Homes. I also am doing a few smaller things, but for now main thing is Sunshine International.

How can you cope with everything that’s going on?

Andrew: some days it’s hectic, but normally I have a great team, some really good team players and it couldn’t be done without a team.

How is your relationship with the Thai people?

Andrew Mostly fine, Thai people are so gentle and very patient. I still love Thailand more than I did all those years ago.

May I know your net worth please?

Andrew: Well you know what, I don’t really know that myself. I don’t have time to add things up. And more importantly, I do things for a challenge, I set a vision that is almost beyond achievable for me and then I go out my way to achieve that vision. So it’s not about money, it’s about pushing myself to the limits and scoring the goals, breaking barriers and saying I can!

It’s been said you waste a lot of money on expensive hotels and dinners and there are many poor people around, how do you feel about that?

Andrew: Normally if I go to a hotel or expensive dinner it’s usually to entertain a VIP and in return I normally want something. So yes I have to pay a lot out, but I need something bigger in return. It’s all swings and roundabouts.

What about your hobbies?

Andrew: oh I don’t have time for hobbies. I guess it’s because I enjoy my work so much that I am happy to work almost everyday.

Do you exercise everyday?

Andrew, depends on how I am feeling. Some months I can do lots of jogging and then other months I do zero. I do try not to allow my weight over a certain figure. Once it gets to that figure then I start to work on it. I have a deadline.

What is that figure?

Andrew: oh I think I should keep that a secret. He he he.

Do you drive a car?

Andrew: Yes I can drive a car, and sometimes I do. But often I am a passenger so I can sit in the back and work whilst on my way to my next appointment. Time is very valuable for me.

Do you spend lots of time in the office?

Andrew: Certainly not, I love to be out on site, helping the staff, helping the gardener, meeting the customers, it’s all part of being a servant. When we are in this kind of business then we must be servers and leaders.

What piece of advice would you give to the Young Thai people today that want to succeed in business.

Andrew: I would say keep walking forward, taking new steps, meet as many people as you can and don’t fear anything. Believe in yourself and say always YES I CAN. Don’t allow young kids to play games. Get them out meeting people.

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